Is It Worth Fighting A Traffic Ticket?

There is more involved with receiving a traffic ticket, than simply paying a fine. If you have been pulled over and cited for a traffic violation, it is important to consider the consequences that could result. Such as, adding points to your driving record, having your driver’s license suspended or revoked and paying increased insurance rates.

At Davis Law Office, we are dedicated to defending and protecting the rights of individuals in Carmel who are accused of violating Indiana traffic laws. We have extensive experience with Indiana traffic courts, and helping clients challenge their tickets to avoid the consequences of having a traffic offense on their permanent driving record.

Strong Representation For Traffic Offenses

We represent clients in a broad spectrum of criminal matters, including those who have been ticketed for any of the following traffic violations:

  • Driving under the influence (DUI/OWI)
  • Speeding
  • Texting while driving
  • Running a red light
  • Reckless driving
  • Driving without a valid driver’s license
  • Driving with a suspended driver’s license
  • Driving without insurance
  • Leaving the scene of an accident

Regardless of which offense you have been cited for, it is important to consult with a skilled defense attorney about your situation, and the most effective way to proceed.

If you are convicted of a traffic violation conviction in Indiana, points will be added to your driving record. The number of points the Bureau of Motor Vehicles will assign to your record is determined by the severity of your offense.

Do Not Wait, Take Action Immediately

After you receive a traffic ticket, you have a limited amount of time to respond and take action. Contact us today to schedule a free consultation with an experienced Indiana defense lawyer. Send us an email, or call 317-660-8019.